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Making Hawaiian Pet Travel a Breeze: A Step-By-Step Guide – Free CE Webinar

In this webinar, John Jeffreys, RVT, CVPM, PHRca, shares an overview of Hawaii Pet Travel and what makes this destination more complicated.

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February 26, 2020

Presented by Nelva J. Bryant, DVM, MPH, Public Health and Regulatory Veterinarian at Delta Cargo Many veterinarians experience frustration and…New Free CE Webinar Explains Air Cargo Transport of Pets

March 29, 2019

In the Small Animal Requirements for Movement and Travel webinar, Dr. Valerie Ragan presented on the current regulations around animal…Q&A from Small Animal Requirements Webinar

March 18, 2019

GVL hosted the webinar, Small Animal Requirements for Movement and Travel with Dr. Valerie Ragan, on March 13, 2019, with…Small Animal Movement Requirements Webinar with Dr. Valerie Ragan

February 28, 2019

Watch this brief webinar to learn answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about Extended Equine Certificate of…New EECVI Q&A Session Available Now