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Pet Travel Trends – February 2023

Wondering where to travel with your dog or cat? Check out these most-traveled cat and dog-friendly vacations from February 2023.

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Aug 29, 2022

Check out the additional resources from our webinar, Updates for Production Animal Veterinarians.

GlobalVetLink Logo

August 26, 2022

Our Updates for Production Animal Veterinarians CE webinar is now available on-demand.

Aug 22, 2022

It’s back to school time… in honor of all the classes starting back up, GlobalVetLink employees have shared what their pet’s back to school stats would be!

Aug 16, 2022

Back to school already? No worries, GlobalVetLink has you covered! Check out our back to school supply list with all the essentials you need to get your Masters in Pet Travel.

Aug 11, 2022

It’s back to school time… If you skipped brushing up on the most current rules about pet travel don’t worry—we’ve got quick pointers to help you in our version of CliffsNotes®…Milo’sNotes!

Aug 8, 2022

GlobalVetLink highlights the top domestic and international destinations traveled to by canines and felines each month!

Aug 4, 2022

In this new Vet Lib, help Emilia check all the supplies off her daughter’s study abroad program list…with an unexpected twist.

August 2, 2022

Join us for an update on these current hot topics and trends for production and mixed animal veterinarians and earn free CE credit!

Jul 26, 2022

GlobalVetLink has compiled some helpful tips for keeping your horse healthy, happy, and comfortable this summer!

Jul 21, 2022

Check out the resources and summarized Q&A from our webinar, How to Use Pet Travel to Drive Clinic Revenue.

Jul 19, 2022

Download this free eBook to read about all the essential details you need to efficiently create 100% compliant travel documents for your patients. Included are step-by-step guides and solutions that can create IHCs in under 5 minutes.

July 15, 2022

Our How to Use Pet Travel to Drive Clinic Revenue webinar is now available on-demand.